Stock photography in a few simple steps
Do you love photography? Are you taking pictures for fun? Do people compliment you on your skills?
If you answered with yes to all of the above and you would like to earn a little extra money on the side than stock photography is the answer you are looking for.
Join me for a series on articles that will help you start your journey into stock photography.
What is stock photography?
A quick Google search will lead you to Wikipedia who states that stock photography is “the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfil the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer, often for a lower cost.”
In other words, images gathered in a searchable database where clients can find what they need for specific assignments. Stock photography clients will include: web designers, writers looking for a book cover, bloggers looking for images to illustrate their articles and pretty much anyone looking for an image to illustrate and idea.
How do your images come into play? Uploading them to one or more stock photography sites will expose them to clients who will then be able to buy them if they fit their needs.
So, now you know what stock photography is and how your images will bring you extra income.
In my next article I will write about the legal part of stock photography.